well, this little story you are about to read is for anyone that just wants a good laugh for the day. let me just start out by saying that lately Rylee has been REALLY into wearing her nightgowns, like, al l day long! we have had many issues with trying to get the nightgowns off and trying put real clothes on her. so this day did not start off the greatest and should have been my first clue that the day was going to continue like that......
when we got up that morning, Rylee was already starting her tantrums, you know the kind when they throw themselves on the ground and scream and roll around kicking their legs? if you dont, be very glad. well, i had to go to old navy and to costco that day so after breakfast i proceeded to get ready and then try to get the kids ready. what fun that was! trying to reason with a 2 yr old is quite impossible. i basically had to hold her down and take off her night gown to put on her pants and shirt, then she threw a fit for about 10 minutes so i just left her in her room to calm down. when i came back to try again to get her dressed, all she wanted was to wear her "pincess". so i finished taking off her clothes(she had already started) and put her stupid nightgown back on, and she was happy once again. somehow i managed to get some pants on her and even a shirt.....but of course i it was over the puffy sleeved, pink princess nightgown. she was lookin good with her night gown all tucked into her pants and busting out of her shirt. Whatever! i was meeting my mom at old navy so i was kind of in a hurry . any ways, after about 20 min of that nonsense we finally make out of the house. we get to old navy and i was thinking things were going to be alright. oh no, about 10 min into the shopping she starts climbing out of the stroller, so i let her walk with 'pumpa'(grandma). then she starts undressing in the middle of the store! apparently she didnt want her clothes on anymore. by this point i really dont care what she looks like because i am just trying to make it out of there with my sanity. by the way my mom was thinking this was really funny and was egging her on. so we finally finish with our errands and get home to have lunch and put them down for a nap. i usually try to put some comfy pants on Rylee when she goes down for a nap so that she doesnt rip off her diaper and pee when she wakes up. oh how i wish i would have done that this time. my parents were coming up that night for dinner and was making steak and chicken and mashed potatoes, sauteed mushrooms.....all kinds of stuff. i was right in the middle of getting dinner ready when i hear her waking up from her nap. i had the potatoes on the stove boiling so i was going to run up really quick to get her. well, when i walked into the room, i could smell it right away. i turned on the light to find that Rylee had taken off her diaper and pooped in her crib. SERIOUSLY????? she had it smeared all over the crib tent , which was pain in the freaking butt to clean. it was under her finger nails, in her ears, all over her binkis......EVERYWHERE!!!! by this point i just had to laugh because if i didnt, i think there would have been some problems. so i run downstairs to turn down the potatoes(after i threw her in the tub), then tried to hurry and clean up rest of it and get everything in the wash. that was all done so i get the kids downstairs so i can finish making dinner. while i was putting all the spices away the granulated garlic fell of the counter and shattered all over the kitchen floor where rylee was playing and Adyson was in her saucer watching. so get out the vacuum and it freaked out Ady, so she screamed the whole time i was vacuuming and rylee kept trying to walk in it. a few minutes later mike finally got home and my parents showed up so making the rest of the dinner was easy and it turned out great!
so from that day on rylee has to wear underwear over her diapers when she is sleeping because if she doesnt have them on....i think you can guess what happens. i hope this story made you laugh and also made you grateful that your child hasnt done this and if they have, then know that there are others who feel your pain!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
just for laughs
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:07 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
What a Week!
This year we went to my sisters house in Utah(near Bryce Canyon). it was a lot of fun.....at first! we just hung out and played guitar hero and learned how to crochet beanies. everything was going great until thanksgiving day. i layed rylee down for a nap a little bit before we started eating our thanksgiving lunch/dinner(we like to start early and gorge ourselves all day:). right in the middle of eating she woke up and was screaming, and i thought it was because she couldn't get out of the room because i had acidentally shut it all the way. so i run in there to get her and would not let me put her down. once she saw her daddy, she wanted him, and ONLY him. so he goes back into the room to lay back down with her cause she was acting so tired still. about five minutes later i hear someone say"um, i think rylee just threw up!" i run into the room to find that she had thrown up ALL OVER Mike and the floor and in the sink! oh it was SO GROSS!! so after everything is cleaned up and she is dressed........yep, she pukes again! but this time i was able to run her to the tub so it only got on the floor a little bit. Fun stuff, right!
we were going to leave on sunday, but instead we packed up and left sat. morning(after riding all the dirt bikes and four wheelers, of course!). I am SO glad that we did because that night Adyson woke up around 11 and started puking like crazy! i feel so bad for my kids when are sick!!! so we put adyson in our bed for the night and i started feeling sick that night as well! luckily i did not throw up, it was just the on-the-verge-of-puking feeling all night and on sunday along with body aches and chills. sunday afternoon adyson stops puking and i start feeling a little better, so i am thinking we are almost over this.....NOPE! that night rylee started throwing up AGAIN!!! so everyone seemed to be doing better on monday and then on tuesday night mike started feeling sick and was throwingup all night long! SERIOUSLY??? so now it is friday and we have been puke free for a whole day and feelin good!
from what i hear, this has been affecting a lot of people so BEWARE of the PUKE!!
oh, and, new pics will be posted soon!:)
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
10:15 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Okay, so i signed up for that Winder Farms delivery service. it has only been a couple of weeks, but so far i really like it! i love that the produce and dairy products are all really fresh! and i have to say that they have the BEST donuts!!!! they only have 2 kinds, BUT, the old fashioned glazed donuts really hit the spot.....especially at 11:30 at night.....meaning, i am eating one right now. ya i know, i am one sick donut eating fatty! mike thinks iam a totall dork because on delivery day, it feels like christmas to me!! i am so excited to wake up and go downstairs and see what groceries the Winder Man left me in my cooler! if anyone ahs been thinking about signing up for this....you should try it! you can always cancel if it doesnt work for you!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
11:33 PM
its been quite a while since my last post so.....i guess its time! ya know, there is something to be said for herbal medicine. my little adyson has had a rough time with her reflux and i was getting so frustrated because she was always in pain and was rarely sleeping. our pediatrician prescribed some medicine for it and we used it for almost 2 months with no improvement. and this medicine was almost $100! SO ANNOYING!! so, i was talking with my mom and she had suggested that i go to this health food store that a lady in her ward owns. SO GLAD I DID!!!! they were so knowledgeable and so much help! we have been using the herbal stuff for a couple weeks now and it has made such a difference! she is so much better now(except for the last 3 days...i ran out of the meds and havent had the chance to get more:(. i feel so much better knowing that i dont have worry about all the side effects from traditional medicine!! even her goopy eye has totally cleared up!!! she is actually taking at least one good nap during the day and only waking up once (sometimes twice) during the night! HOORAY!! she is only five months old...shouldnt she be sleeping more than that!:) i was just spoiled with rylee sleeping through the night at 2 months old!
i have also started taking her to our chiropractor and i think that has made a difference as well. he said that she is really sensitive to her formula so, i have been thinking about doing this formula that is made from goats milk and some other nutrients (there are recipes for homemade formula). it seems like a lot more work and since she is doing so well with eating solid foods, i am hesitant to make that jump!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
11:05 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
I've been tagged....
ok, so i have been tagged and now i get to share 7 things that describe who i am. the person that tagged me is carlie. you can see her 7 things at http://skinners05.blogspot.com/.
- i am a mother of 2 beautiful little girls and the wife of an amazing husband. they are my everything!! although they are an enormous amount of work and sometimes(ok, most of the time) i feel like i am losing my mind, i would not trade them for anything in the world!!! my babies are exactly 17 and a half months apart. it will be really nice to take a break from being pregnant and giving birth and actually enjoy being a mom and have fun with my family! i would have to say that one of my favorite things to do is just hang out with all of my family. we have so much fun....mostly because we are never serious.
- my maiden name, as most of you know, is slater.....or so you think! my family's real last name is wilcox!!!! what the.....???? yes, its true. my great great grandpa on my dad's side was working for a man with the last name of slater in canada and used his name to move to america. i have heard from my aunt that she has records and business cards from whore houses that he used to run in colorado!!!!! aren't those some fun facts!
- I LOVE FOOD!!!!! i love making all kinds of food and especially love to eat it! i have to say that i dont make a lot of my favorite things as much anymore simply because i am either exhausted or the kids are acting crazy. because of that, my wonderful and understanding husband lets me order out at least 3 times a week!!! i used to feel guilty, like, why cant i be the happy mom who has everything under control with a spotless house and fresh homemade meals on the dinner table every night and greet my husband with a kiss as he walks in the door???? his reasoning is that if it makes me less stressed then he doesnt care what i feed him for dinner....what a sweetie! i also love to eat out and mike does as well, so that is just perfect for me! one of our favorite things to do since we had Adyson is go out on the weekends and try new restaurants...with out kids! right now our favorite one is MESA Grill in the Ceasars Palace. Awesome food and atmosphere!! a must try!
- i am addicted to nighttime tv shows!!!! i know it is so dumb, but i just love them all! some of my favs are desperate housewifes, the hills, boston legal, the office, greys anatomy, scrubs, friday night lights, the soup....just to name a few! even though i record all the shows i still stay up to watch them....i just cant tear myself away!
- one thing that i absolutely love is that mike and i have such a good time remodeling our house! not that it really needed it, but it is so much fun(most of the time)to see all of our projects turn out the way we imagined. we are big time do-it-yourselfers! we completely gutted the front yard(all 2300 sq ft of it!!!) all the ugly rock and bushes and we laid sod and planted a bunch of trees and laid brick steps.....and some other stuff. one of our fav ones is our backyard which is still in the process of being finished. the back was gutted as well and in its place we put in a pool and an area for our future patio and balcony. we FINALLY finished the entertainment center that we started when i was pregnant with Rylee!!! those are just a few of our projects.....there are still plenty that are "under construction"! i would love to be able to flip houses....a fun hobby and if i could make some extra cash at it then that would be great too!!!
- this is one thing that a lot of people find to be very funny and most dont ever believe it. my mothers maiden name is BALLS!! yep, that's right! our family must have a sense of humor to have that kind of a name......and to have relatives with the names Ruby, Pearl, HARRY!!!! fun times at the Balls' !!
- if we had the money we would definately be traveling all over the world probably all the time! i love seeing new places and experiencing new things and cultures and since mike is a photographer it is our excuse to travel!!:) and if we had some of that money left over.....i would buy all the land i could!!! i want to live on a ranch and have an amazing garden and just be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery!
well, there you have it! so, here are the very lucky people who are now tagged and get to share a little bit about them!
amber carmen http://carmanclan.blogspot.com/
ashley swapp http://theswappfamily.blogspot.com/
candace stucki http://candacestucki.com/blog/
jamie braithwaite http://fambee.blogspot.com/
Now you get to share 7 things about you, put on a link to my page (like I did to carlie's) and tag 7 other people by listing their names on your blog as well as leaving comments on their blogs.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:48 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Halloween Fun
Rylee and I had a lot of fun at the the pumpkin patch this year.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
3:08 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Trick or Treat...
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
10:14 PM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
An Update....
this is rylee's attempt to take her clothes off to go swimming. her head got stuck and that is as far as she got!
this is us at our ward's "trunk or treat" night. she would not wear the hat that goes with the costume while we were there and after about the 4th car she got a sucker and was satisfied. i have to admit, that was just fine with me!
isnt that just the cutest witch you've ever seen??
notice the glow all over Rylee's face?... She found the vaseline ... need I say more?
just another pic of the lovely greasy face
mike downloaded some movie trailers on the computer and now she is hooked! she wants to watch one every night before bed.
always wanting to help in the backyard! we can't keep her away from ANY tools.....if she sees us doing something, she wants to do it and of course does not want any help.
so proud of all her stickers!!
adyson is always chewing on her fingers....it must feel good on her gums...
this is the face that rylee gives me in almost every picture.....so cute, right??
me and rylee playing with lincoln logs and she couldn't wait to knock it over
Adyson just lovin her bottle! i love that she holds it!
Okay, so i know its been a while but.....i dont really have an excuse except for i dont understand how to use our mac computer and so i just keep putting this off. Not much has happened lately. We went to our wards "trunk or treat" night and it was fun to see rylee have her 1st real trick or treating experience. Although, she didn't care for the trick or treating as much as she did for stealing every little kids pumkins! Every time i came back from returning one, she had stolen another!! I guess i should have gotten her own!
Last weekend mike finally had some time to take off of work, so that was really nice. We got to finish some projects around the house, which seem to be endless!! it was so great to just hang out and not have an agenda or anything planned! He has been working like mad for the past couple of months, so it was nice to actually have some real family time. We love you for working so hard Mike!!!
That is about all the news i have for now.....I know....we are truly boring!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
8:13 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Adyson just turned 4 months old on the 19th and we have started her on rice cereal! she absolutely hates it!!! I feel so bad. i try feeding her at least 3 times a day and follow with a bottle like the Doc said to. It just doesnt work with her. She will just cry the whole time!! The poor thing.... she thinks she is going to get a nice warm bottle, but nope, it is nasty cereal for her! We havent gotten through very many feedings because after about the 3rd bite she is screaming and the only thing she wants is a bottle. It is hilarious to watch. I will have to feed her when Mike is around next time so that he can video it. I was hoping that with her eating the rice cereal she would sleep better at night.......not so much! She still wakes up at least 3 times a night. She is teething right now though, so i guess if its not the hunger or the reflux keeping her up, its the pain of teething! i feel so bad for her.....and why do i feel like i have no idea what i am doing and that this is my first time with a baby!?!? Probably because Rylee was the easiest baby ever!!!! The Big Man upstairs has some nice tricks....if Adyson was my first, i would have thought long and hard about another baby. I guess he knows what he is doing, right? Okay, i just read through that and i wasnt trying to make it sound like Adyson is a really hard baby, but having Rylee as my first......i knew the next wouldn't be as easy. Well, that is what is knew with us. I finally bought a new camera so i will be posting a bunch of new pictures soon.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
3:05 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
gotta love tagging
1. Three biggest fears? (besides anything bad happening to a family member/child)
-when my face goes under water in an ocean or a lake...even though i LOVE the ocean and the lake.
-even though i have gone through it, i am still terrified of natural childbirth.
-when i am home alone at night
2. When was the last time you danced? today while watching Shrek with Rylee
3. Do you creep on stranger's blogs? sometimes
4. If you could go back to be any age for a day, what age would you be and why? 24. so that i could talk to Aimee
5. Are you a good liar? it always starts out good, but i can never go through with it
6. Do you judge someone when you can tell they've had elective cosmetic surgery? No way! as long as they feel better about themselves for having it done
7. If you have children, what's one thing that you always told yourself you'd never do when you had kids? If you don't have children, what's one thing you tell yourself you'll never do. (Psst! You. Yah, you. The one without kids. Guess what? You'll probably do it.) i dont think i ever had something i said i was never going to do. i do all the mom stuff:)
8. What's something that totally grosses you out? sharing dairy products with anyone (ice cream, yogurt, milk) especially if there is a spoon involved. mike thinks it is so dumb.
9. Do you ever delete forwards without reading them? most of the time i open them
10. Do you ever lie to get out of obligations? i dont lie... i just make up an excuse why i cant be there:) j/k!!
11. Consider your body weight and your yearly income at their present states. Would you rather be 200 pounds heavier and $200,000 richer or stay at your present states? no way! i am happy where i am in life
12. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes and what were they? a couple weeks ago. espadrilles
13. The Olympics. Take them or leave them? dont really care
14. What's your favorite accent? australian or scottish
15. What's your favorite scent? its not a traditional scent.... fresh cut grass! it reminds me of our old cabin
16. Gum or breath mints? breath mints. ever since i got pregnant with Rylee, gum makes me sick
17. If you could look like any celebrity, who would it be? not sure......maybe Kate Beckinsale
18. If you had the chance of looking like said celebrity in exchange for your thumbs would you do it? not a chance
19. Do you religiously wear sun screen? no
20. Do you generally trust people/their motives or doubt people/their motives? Trust.
21. Would you describe yourself as a complicated person or is what you see what you get? i think what you see is what you get
22. Do you watch what you eat? sure do. i watch it as i put it in my mouth!
23. Do you watch what other people eat? no, i dont think so
24. Do you judge how other people raise their kids? i try not to. some poeple dont know any better
25. Do you judge people who dress poorly? No
26. Do you judge people who are homely? No
27. Do you judge people who are overweight? no.....unless i see them in their car inhaling fast food
28. Your interest in politics: High, Medium-High, Medium, Medium-Low, Low, Obsolete? medium-low
29. Favorite song of all time? oh there's just so many
30. Acoustic or electric? Acoustic.
31. If you were a hermit, would you shave? Yes. Hair gets itchy.
32. If you could shave your head without your significant other throwing a complete hissy, would you? no
33. What was your least favorite age? 13-15. it was a very awkward time for me
34. How many times a day do you check your email? when i remember....so maybe once
35. Are you in a tiff with anyone right now? no
If you are reading this, then consider yourself tagged. I'll be checking...
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
10:39 PM
Camera Suggestion Anyone??
Alright everyone, i need your input! Our camera that we keep at the house stopped working a long time ago so i was just having Mike bring home one of the cameras that he uses at work. That doesn't really work out that well because he is always needing it there. So needless to say, i need new camera! I want to know what cameras you guys have used and really love because i just dont have clue! I know, I know....Mike should know all about this kind of stuff and he does, he just doesn't use any other cameras than his professional ones. So if anyone has a camera that they love and isn't too pricey(under $300), please let me know so i can get some knew pics on the blog!!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:59 PM
Oh Rylee.....
I just thought that this was kind of funny.... so this morning i get Rylee out of her bed and then i go into my room to feed Adyson. Usually she just comes in bed with us, but she had dissapeared. So i called for her, and called for her, and called for her again. I get done feeding Adyson and go downstairs to find that Rylee had turned on the t.v., gotten into the pantry and found the chocolate chips that i keep in a ziploc bag in basket. She opened the bag and took out the ones that she wanted and closed the bag back up and was sitting in front of the pantry eating chocolate chips and watching t.v. You gotta love her!!!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:18 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Just One Word!
I saw this survey on someone else's blog and thought it would be kind of fun
One. Word. No. Explaining.
Not as easy as you might think.
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? blonde
3. Work? MOM
4. Your father? understanding
5. Your favorite thing? Family
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Your dream car? cayenne
9. The room you're in? living
10. Your fears? water
11. What do you want to be in 10 years? an example
12. Who did you hang out with last night? family
13. What you're not good at? organization
14. Muffin? okay
15. One of your wish list items? Travel
16. Where you grew up? Vegas
17. Last thing you did? bake
18. What are you wearing? perfume
19. What aren't you wearing? earrings
20. Your pet? allergic
21. Your computer? laptop
22. Your life? full
23. Your mood? tired
24. Missing? aimee:(
25. What are you thinking about right now? bed
26. Your car/truck? tahoe
27. Your summer? hectic
28. Your relationship status? Married
29. Your favorite color? green
30. When is the last time you really laughed with meaning? today
31. Last time you cried? yesterday
32. School? nope
33. Least favorite weather? wind
34. Soup? broccolicheese
35. Movie? comedy
Feel free to try this on your blogs.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
11:07 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ok, so this what is new with us. Rylee has learned to climb out of her crib and take her diaper off and pee on things!!! what do i do?!?! I know it sounds kind of dumb, but it makes it so much harder and more time consuming to put her down for a nap and dont even get me started on bedtime! Laugh it up everybody.... it is kind of funny if it isnt happening to you. So i want to know, does anybody else have that problem, had that problem or know of anybody that did. i would love some tips and suggestions.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:37 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
my new hair!
this post is for you carlie! so i finally did it!! i have been talking about doing this since i got pregnant with adyson. i just got so sick of my hair and needed a change. i guess its not that shocking since i always chop my hair off, but that is whats new with me!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
3:55 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
my blessing picture
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
10:48 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Success at last!!
Finally!!!! In June our spa started leaking and we could not figure out where it was leaking. The plumber has been trying to figure it out ever since then because we thought that it was a problem with the pipes. So after months of testing and playing the blame game with all of our sub contractors and losing tons of water and chemicals for the pool/spa, we finally decided to have someone who specializes in finding leaks come out and find it. what he found out was that when the people came to do the plaster they started cutting one of pipes off and realized it was too short and left it (i guess they figured that the concrete would seal the cut). after all those months it eroded away and we were the owners of a leaky spa! it probably sound dumb, but it is such a relief to know where the leak is coming from and to have it fixed once and for all. Just in time for "hot tubbin'" weather!!!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
4:50 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Family Pic 2007
This is our latest family picture. we took this in our front yard on july 4. Rylee looks like a little angel in this picture, but we all know better! it was so hot i thought i was going to melt!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
2:32 PM
and baby makes four...
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
2:27 PM
This was our night "out of town". my mom babysat Rylee for my birthday and we stayed at the Redrock hotel and played. as you can see i am 8 months pregant with Adyson. We wanted to get away before the chaos of another baby came up.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
2:20 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Me and my sisters...
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:03 AM
Mom look at me!
Rylee loves the beach! She especially loves to eat the sand! She is a lot of fun to take to the beach....if you don't have to watch her!
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
9:01 AM
Family Vacation...
Since this was Rylee’s first time at Sea World I wanted her to pet a dolphin. So we finally get a chance to and she thought it would be more fun to scream instead…..so we just got a picture.
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
8:36 AM
My First Entry...
Hi everyone. This is my first time doing this and I’m sure I’ll mess up but here it goes… I’m going to try and upload my first picture soon. Keep in touch…
Posted by
Ashley Gaskell
8:35 AM